Grounded But Still Going


Robert, Kathy Norwood and Bruce Wayne have finally hit the road in their RV, "Hermione the Hurricane" and are looking forward to their full-time RV adventures.


Our new website is under construction and I hope to have it all ready soon with information about full-time RVing, advice on living in a small space, and our adventures while we take it on the road for the next few years. Look for it to be completed by September 1, 2020 when we finally drive into Navarre, FL for our official "Gulf Coast" tour.

We hope you will follow our blog and our YouTube channel (once I get it all set up) and find out if the RV life is for you. And for those of you who know for sure it is not, never say never. I did and look at me in around 275' square ft. Talk about your tiny home on wheels.

Anyway, this is where you will come to check out our latest adventures. We look forward to running down the road with you!